Cookies Policy

Last Updated : [2024]

Welcome to Gem Ethics Academy! When you visit our website, small text files called cookies are saved on your device such as your computer, smartphone or any other electronic equipment. They help us see how you use our site and improve your experience of using them.

What are Cookies?

We use cookies: Cookies are little text records that show up on your gadget (for instance, PC, smartphone or other electronic device) once you visit our site. Besides, they help understand how you use our site and improve your browsing experience.


How We Use Cookies

We use cookies to:

  • Necessary Cookies : These cookies are essential to provide you with services available through our website and to enable some of its features. They allow you to navigate the web site and use its features.
  • User Experience: We remember you and your preferences or settings to create a better user experience.
  • Analytics and Performance: We use cookies to track information on how our website is being used by visitors. This allows us to improve the performance of our website and from what section it become more likely to be interesting for our users.
  • Marketing and Advertising: Cookies are used to serve you with advertisements that may be relevant to you and your interests

Types of Cookies We Use

  • Session Cookies: These refer to short-term cookies that vanish as soon as you close your browser. They are meant to preserve your session and ensure safety within the duration.
  • Persistent Cookies: On other hand, these continue existing even after you have closed your browser keeping track of your future visits preferences.
  • Third-Party Cookies: We may also opt to use third-party service providers such as analytics providers or advertising partners who may install cookies on our behalf in order to understand how our site is used and deliver relevant ads.

Managing Cookies

Various methods can be used to control and manage cookies as follows:

  • Internet Browser Preferences: Majority of the web browsers can enable you to manage cookies by using preferences. Accordingly, you can decide on the reception, rejection or removal of the cookies.
  • External Tools: For advertising purposes, some third parties have created separate tools to regulate the use of cookies.

Changes to This Policy

This Cookies Policy may be updated by us occasionally to show changes we make in our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. To keep up on the way we use cookies, please check this policy from time to time.

Contact us



+94 71 296 5296


100 24th St West Ste 1 | Billings, MT 59102.USA


M,05,Dar Al Wuheida Building, hor alanz east,Al Qiyadah,UAE.


#277 Samurdi Mawatha, Maha Hapugala, Ginthota, Galle, Sri Lanka

By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies as described in this Cookies Policy.