Gem Ethics Academy Pvt Ltd

8 Gems related Jobs | Gemology Courses

In the field of gemology, there are many career opportunities. Some of the most common include appraisers, retail associates, lab gemologists, and jewelry designers. However, it can be tough to break into these fields; most require at least some formal training. In general, here are the steps you should follow if you want to break into a career in the field of gemology:

Blue Sapphire Stone | How to buy?

I was amazed to know the emerald that is not blue in colour is coming under the famous stone Blue Sapphire, it can be an engagement ring such as princess Diana or stone on a crown, you need to have a better idea of choosing the right stone.  

7 Steps to Identify Gem Stones!

So, you have a pretty stone, and you want to know just what it is you have! Maybe it’s a diamond gem stone, or an emerald gem stone, or maybe it’s a close cousin, or even a piece of colored glass. That’s where the science, (and art) of gem stone identification comes in. If you […]